> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Erik Reuter
> Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 10:03 AM
> Subject: Re: Lousy reporting
> On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 10:04:56AM -0800, Miller, Jeffrey wrote:
> > I've been spoiled by the quality and timely reporting the web has
> > brought me that I've forgotten how cruddy the 24hr news cycle shows
> > are. No wonder Fox News is so ugly.
> Hmmm, I hadn't noticed because I almost never watch TV news. I
> get 90% from web news articles and the rest from newspapers and
> magazines. Thanks for the warning about TV news, now I know that I
> should continue to avoid it...

I watch it in the morning.  Well, to be more accurate, listen to it while
I'm on the computer.

Saturday night, I spent a very long time on the phone with a market research
survey guy asking about local tv news.  I usually don't do those things, but
in this case, I was curious what they care about.  It seemed to come down to
a series of descriptions of the anchors, with which I was invited to agree
or disagree from a scale of 1 to 5.  The statements were something like
these: "confident," "comfortable to watch," "knows the Bay Area well,"
"reliable," "committed and involved in the community."   To the last, my
answer was, "How the heck would I know?  All I seem him/her do is read from
a teleprompter..."  There were also a bunch of questions about
"investigative" reporting, which I couldn't answer at all, since I haven't
seen anything on local news that even comes close to real investigative

It was depressing hearing what they care about, although there really were
no surprises.  But I did have the opportunity to tell the researcher
numerous times that for news and weather, I rely far more on the Internet
than TV.   (More than newspapers, too, but they didn't ask.)

(15 years as a reporter)


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