New is ugly now; so is sports news.  On ESPN News they are constantly
filling the void with

    "It was their 13th loss in the last twenty-two games on the road, going
back to last year" and

    "They were held to one field goal in the last 11 minutes and 18 seconds
of the 4th quarter."

George A

----- Original Message -----
From: "Miller, Jeffrey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 04, 2003 3:04 AM
Subject: RE: Lousy reporting

> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Nick Arnett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 07:39 AM
> > Subject: Lousy reporting
> >
> >
> > Watching ABC this morning... their reporter, sitting in a
> > shuttle simulator, called the heat buildup the "re-entry
> > burn," then described how the shuttle would have been doing
> > S-turns to slow down.  In fact, the was still well above the
> > altitude where those S-turns would have started.  I guess
> > it's too much to hope that network reporters would actually
> > study what they're reporting on.  More correctly, perhaps,
> > it's too much to hope that they'd be given the time to do so.
> That last sentance is pretty accurate.  I heard about the news later in
the afternoon saturday, and flipped to CNN approx 2:30pm PST.  The next hour
was the same... damn... news... over... and... over...
> I've been spoiled by the quality and timely reporting the web has brought
me that I've forgotten how cruddy the 24hr news cycle shows are. No wonder
Fox News is so ugly.
> -j-
> _______________________________________________


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