I have a very good CD-RW, but I don't know enough about burning install
disks.  Will just copy the floppies onto a single CD, each in its own folder
work or one CD per floppy.

George A
----- Original Message -----
From: "Damon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 08, 2003 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: Scouted: Dell follows Apple: Eliminates Floppies

> At 06:19 AM 2/8/03 +0900, you wrote:
> >The only problem (a sentimental one) with this for me is I will have to
> >up my Borland Pascal 7.0.  I still have the original 12 or 13 720Kb 3.5"
> >floppies and everytime I upgrade my computer, one of the first things I
> >is install it.  I know it is old and has fallen out of use and favor, but
> >Pascal has always been my favorite language, going back to Turbo Pascal
> >my Apple II+.  I did much of my undergraduate work in Pascal (on a
> >and most of my Masters work, writing a Pascal compiler in Pascal and an
> >too.  I still like to fiddle with it occasionally.  I know I can get a
> >floppy drive as an "extra" but it really must be a sign that I should
> >fiddling more with VB now.  Sigh!
> Well next time you upgrade just get a CD burner and transfer it. I have
> now and its great! I put a lot of high-k RPG materials on them (such as
> Wizards reprints of OOP as a .pdf, and Fanpro's publishing of old
> Battletech stuff). The disks will last as long as I do and the format
> like it will be around for a while (and if it goes the way of the do-do
> I'll just burn/copy them onto a new format). Definitely useful...
> Damon.
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Damon Agretto
> "Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
> http://www.geocities.com/garrand.geo/index.html
> Now Building: Revell's Tiger Ausf. H
> ------------------------------------------------------------
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