At 16:04 7-2-2003 -0500, Jon Gabriel wrote:

"You insert it right into the USB port, and your computer reads it just like it would read a floppy drive. The benefit is, you've got much more capacity -- instead of just 1.44 megabytes, at the low end you have 16 megabytes."
Unless of course you are one of those hundreds of thousands of people who still use Windows NT 4.0, which doesn't have USB support...
Apple gave their users the same problem several years ago. We had several hundred (around 5 - 600) floppies in my office that had to be converted to cd. Took an intern days to copy them onto a hard drive, organize and package them for burning. (I still remember her ripping them apart and shredding them to bits when she was done. Ruined a shredder, too.)

Could have cheerfully killed Apple at the time. :(

But... this has happened before with 5.25 floppies, so I guess there's a precedent.
This still leaves users with another problem: boot floppies. When the OS won't boot, you can still boot your computer with the OS boot floppy (or rescue disk, or whatever it's called) and try and fix the problem -- or at least backup your data before reinstalling everything. No floppy drive, no emergency boot floppies...

You weren't able to get that memory stick drive working??
Yes and no. It works under Windows 2000, and if and when I'll bother to install the driver it will also work under Windows 98. However, both OS's are running on the same PC (together with NT 4), so there is little use for that memory stick.

Can't use it for transferring data to other computers, either. The PC's I use at work all run NT 4. If and when I need to transfer data between my laptop and my home desktop PC, I do that over the network -- the only doable option anyway, as the desktop PC is so old that it doesn't have an USB port.

Jeroen "Tech Support" van Baardwijk

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