Dan Minette wrote:

> Let me get this straight.  You are accusing Powell of fabricating evidence?
> Its all made up because the poor misunderstood Mr Hussein, who is trying so
> hard to lead his Republic into a bright new future is being slanded by the
> big bad United States?

Well you must admit that subtly changing words to give it a sound that is far
more grave then the original documents, copying parts of an old article and
selling it as real and recent doesn't do much to improve believabillity. It
could provoke a lot of questions as to the nature of the real motives for
wanting a war. But the least it does is raise a lot of questions as to why such
actions should be even necessary, if there is such real and unrefutable
evidence the US is said to rely on. So far I'm not convinced. And I do remain
very critical as to the information that is presented to me.

I just know that if I had a student doing things like that in a vital
presentation (s)he would be soooooo suspended pending further investigation.

GCU: Question everything, believe nothing, check and double check where


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