--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dan Minette wrote:
> >
> >Let me get this straight.  You are accusing Powell
> of fabricating evidence?
> >
> Well.... (this is the article that Rich ghosted)
> No casus belli? Invent one!
> As Colin Powell presents evidence to the UN to
> justify war, Maggie 
> O'Kane argues that the US's justification for the
> first Gulf war does 
> not bear scrutiny
> Wednesday February 5, 2003

Uhh - this is absurd.  It's true that the US
government (among many others) was tricked by various
efforts.  I know from talking to people involved with
the decision that the fear of an Iraqi invasion of
Saudi Arabia was real, but that's neither here nor
there.  The US's justification for the first Gulf War
was that _Iraq invaded Kuwait_.  A country (Iraq)
invaded another sovereign country (Kuwait), annexed
its territory, tortured and killed large numbers of
its citizens, and then refused to leave even after a
vote by the UN Security Council condemning it.  I'm
not sure what I'm supposed to respond to, actually. 
Were there particular mistakes in intelligence?  Of
course there were.  There's a reason that the CIA's
reports are called National Intelligence _Estimates_. 
But how does that affect the real reasons for the war?
 Unless someone is claiming that Iraq did not, in
fact, invade Kuwait, what is the point of this?


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