Gautam Mukunda wrote:

> --- "J. van Baardwijk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Saw a speech by, IIRC, Schroeder recently. He
> > mentioned (paraphrasing) that
> > Germany is opposed against war against Iraq, because
> > the German people,
> > having been in the center of two world wars, realise
> > that going to war is
> > never the solution to a problem.
> > Jeroen "Make love, not war" van Baardwijk
> OK.  I want to call attention to this statement.  Now,
> Jeroen, there's a striking fact about the German
> people "having been in the center of two world wars."
> Which is, of course, that they started them.

Just to add some nuances to this bland and somewhat overgeneralised
statement I recommend you check out:

as for WWII, the Versailles treatment that concluded WWI had among other
factors a lot to do with it.
"... It was the total failure of the victorious powers to work closely
together after 1919 to contain German power, rather than the specific
terms of the peace settlement, which was one of the contributing factors
to the outbreak of a second world war 20 years later....."



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