At 01:18 11-2-2003 +0000, Jose Ortiz wrote:

But what about the "alleged" possible consequences of posting or replying to a message? The fact that such "consequences" are even threatened jeopardizes the entire purpose of a mailing list.
Lemme guess -- you're American, aren't you?

The use of the word "threat" suggests that the consequences would be very unpleasant for the person who sends the message. However, if an on-list message is published elsewhere, it cannot do any damage that the original posting couldn't already do, so the poster would be the person responsible for any consequences, not the person who posts the message elsewhere.

As for off-list messages: if they are friendly and reasonable, making them public can not do any damage. If they are unfriendly (FREX, flames) then the poster still should not complain if his message is made public. That poster is responsible for his/her own behaviour; if s/he doesn't want the world to know s/he was flaming, then s/he should not engage in that activity in the first place.

Jeroen "You do the crime, you do the time" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

By replying to this message, you understand and accept that your replies (both on-list and off-list) may be published on-line and in any other form, and that I cannot and shall not be held responsible for any negative consequences (monetary and otherwise) this may have for you.


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