At 22:36 11-2-2003 -0500, Bob Zimmerman wrote:

> It is your list, Nick. So alas you can do whatever you
> please, without asking any of us.

This is clearly unfair. Nick has been trying to do his best for all of us. I have had disagreements with him (in the distant past about natural selection) but in this regard I believe he has acted honorably and in the best interest of the list.
Believe me, things look a hell of a lot different from where I'm sitting. Nothing "honorably" or "in the best interest of the list" about it. :-(

Nick has always been upfront about his activities
You should read the stuff he's been sending me *off-list*. It paints a very different picture of him -- and it's not a pretty one. :-(

Insults. Threats of moderation. Threats of removal from the list. Threats of lawsuits. Outright refusal to discuss his actions.

and when he asked for an opinion about this issue he really wants our opinion.
But what if he decides to ignore our opinions because they happen to differ from his opinion? How are we going to prevent him from running this list like some Middle-Eastern dictator?

Because he hosts the list there are potential legal consequences for him
Such as? What could possibly happen (wrt the list) that would have legal consequences for him? And what would those "legal consequences" be?

Jeroen "Bad Idea" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:

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