At 12:39 PM 2/19/03 -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:
Richard Baker wrote:
> Jeffrey said:
> > ...Irregardless...
> I'd never seen (or perhaps noticed) that word before the last week or
> so, but it's been used several times here recently. Is it a word in
> common use in the US or a new meme that's some kind of hybrid of
> "regardless" and "irrespective"?

It seems to be such a hybrid, and language mavens have been railing against
it, proclaiming it not to be a real word.  Most people using it mean
something close to "regardless".  It's kinda like "inflammable" which means
the same as "flammable" even though you'd *think* upon breaking down the
word it should mean the opposite.

And it's one of those words that bugs the heck out of me, and causes me to
discount the argument a little,

... irregardless of the strength of your argument, ...

 so if you're trying to convince me, Julia
Thompson, personally, of your position, please don't use it.  :)

-- Ronn!  :)

Almighty Ruler of the all,
Whose Power extends to great and small,
Who guides the stars with steadfast law,
Whose least creation fills with awe,
O grant thy mercy and thy grace,
To those who venture into space.

(Robert A. Heinlein's added verse to the Navy Hymn)


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