"Ronn!Blankenship" wrote:

> FWIW, my memory for trivial details is excellent.  And I can drone on and
> on for hours about science-related stuff without ever having to refer to
> the textbook, much to the chagrin of some of my students who wish I'd shut
> up.  OTOH, I also have a lousy memory for names.  Faces I recognize, but
> coming up with the names which go with them is a whole 'nother matter
> sometimes.  I suspect it's less a matter of having had a concussion at an
> early age than simply having a lousy memory for names.  I doubt you'd be
> able to write such intelligent-sounding posts as you frequently do here if
> your memory in general were seriously affected.  Forgetting names,
> anniversaries, dentist appointments, etc., is normal (if annoying, or in
> the second instance, life-threatening . . . ).

My wife has a highly technical mdical term for this condition: "Husband".

My memory works similarly to Ronn's - I'm solid on details, trivia,
and the why's and how's, but I'm absolutely terrible with names.  I'm better,
but still not great with faces.  Interestingly, I remember voices quite well.



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