At 08:10 PM 2/25/03 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 2/25/2003 4:33:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> A common octopus in a German zoo has learned
> >to open jars of shrimp by watching zoo attendants perform the act
> >underwater.  Frida, a 5-month-old female octopus, opens the jars by
> >pressing her body on the lid and grasping the sides with the suckers on
> >her eight tentacles. With a succession of body twists she unscrews the
> >lid.  "Depending on how tight the lid is, it takes her anything from 10
> >seconds to an hour to get it off," said Frank Mueller,
> head of the
> >aquarium at the Hellabrunn Zoo.

Octipi are known to be extremely intelligent creatures as are brine shrimp. If you accord animals rights on the basis of intelligence octipi and shrimp should have the same rights as dogs.

Well, I know they could fetch eight Frisbees at once, but they always seem to have trouble running fast enough to catch any of them before they hit the ground.

-- Ronn! :)

Almighty Ruler of the all,
Whose Power extends to great and small,
Who guides the stars with steadfast law,
Whose least creation fills with awe,
O grant thy mercy and thy grace,
To those who venture into space.

(Robert A. Heinlein's added verse to the Navy Hymn)


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