Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

The crew wouldn't be in the wardroom, they'd be in the crew's mess. And they show movies every night (or used to, eons ago) 8^)

Corrections noted. Thank you. (Although I don't think it makes a major difference in my example. ;-) )

No it didn't, I was just being a wise guy.

I preferred to spend my military days hurtling through the air at hundreds of miles per hour in a flimsy tin can rather than moving hundreds of feet under the water at a few knots in a flimsy tin can . . .

Well now, flimsy is relative isn't it? How would your flimsy tin can do at test depth (>600ft)? (No use asking how mine would do hurtling through the air, it couldn't happen).


GSV Hull Popper


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