From: "S.V. van Baardwijk-Holten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: .... and now for something completely different
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 16:41:55 +0100

Since I'm a bit tired of arguing the war, Iraq, Iran, the Middle East, bombs, politicians, speeches, the UN, the US and all the rest, here is something entirely different.

Aye, and thank ye kindly for it. :)

I'm so totally proud of myself. The job I did in Brussels finally resulted in a very nice published article (and even if I'm only co-autor the results published are largely mine). My very first publication. So if anybody wonders what I've been doing all those years in Belgium the results are in
Surface and Interface Analysis 2003, 35:121-127.
Hurray for me.

And you should be proud!!! Congratulations!!! :)

Have Jeroen cook dinner!

Now since that made me feel soooooo good, I went and did some much needed gardening. Actually it was surprisingly easy going, except for again <groan> digging up lots of glass and bricks and stuff.

How large a space are you clearing? I did a 30 foot x 6 foot (approx. 10 meters x 2 meters) strip along the back of my backyard a few years ago. It took days to prepare by hand, rake and shovel and I'd never seen so many stones in my life. :) But... it was perfect for growing tomatoes, carrots, onions, chives, mint, etc.

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