On Sunday, March 23, 2003, at 06:06 pm, Erik Reuter wrote:

Religion is not evil.

Yes it is.

Just a crutch for the mind.

Crutches for the mind are probably evil. (Have to think about that one).

Belief without knowledge and critical thinking is evil.

Sounds like religion!

based on irrelevant beliefs is evil.

That sounds like religion too!

Laws that force your beliefs on
others are evil.

Sounds like what religions would do if they could!

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"A bad thing done for a good cause is still a bad thing. It's why so few people slap their political opponents. That, and because slapping looks so silly." - Randy Cohen.


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