> No, it just that it matters much more when it involves illegally
> selling arms to a country which has very recently held American 
> diplomatic personnel hostage, then when it involves adultery.

I must have missed the part where you changed the subject header, 
Dan.... I believe that we were talking about whether or not Clinton's 
*compulsive* lying mattered, not about events of the 1980's.  Indeed, 
don't you find this kind of moral relativism a little distastefull 
when you stoop to this level?   How do you respond to your children 
when they apply this same logic - deflecting attention from their own 
misdeeds by pointing out the faults of a sibling?   And if you 
respond in that way, why do you suddenly endorse this line of thought 
here in serious discussion?   

Of course, if compulsive lying and perjury don't matter - how come it 
only bothers you when you think that Republicans are doing it, and 
not Democrats?  Bill Clinton was questioned under the terms of the 
Violence Against Women Act, which he touted and signed into law with 
much fanfare.   Instead of following his own law, however, he fought 
implementation of his law at every step, and then he committed 
perjury.  I am sure he was just "faithfully defending the laws and 
Constitution of the United States" when he did that.  Isn't there 
something very troubling to our republic when our leader arbitrarily 
holds that his own laws don't apply to himself?

Fortuantely, we saw your partisan spots in the economics threat....



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