On 25 Mar 2003 at 7:48, Ronn!Blankenship wrote:

> At 02:09 PM 3/24/03 -0600, Reggie Bautista wrote:
> >John Horn wrote:
> >>>Boy, Republicans *really* hate that man...
> >
> >Ronn! replied:
> >>...about as much as some now hate Bush -- and everything he stands
> >>for, and everything he does, just because _he_ stands for/does it?
> >
> >I support the war, but I don't support Bush in general.  Hate is
> >probably too strong a word; let's go with "strongly dislike" :-)  But
> >I understand where you are coming from.  I have some family members
> >who are anti-war for one reason and one reason only, and that is
> >because they are anti-Bush.
> It may be a selection effect, but most of the people who I have heard
> from who are anti-war are, if asked, about equally anti-Bush.  I don't
> think I have yet heard from anyone who is both pro-Bush and anti-war.

*sticks his hand up*

I'm on the other side of the pond mind you.

Dawn Falcon


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