At 09:18 25-03-03 +0200, Ilana Halupovich wrote:

<<I found the documentary very disturbing. Just to mentions a few things:
* For years Israel lied about having a nuclear program (the plant in Dimona where Israel was making plutonium for bombs was said to be a textiles factory).>>

1. There are *several* textile factories in Dimona.

Which is probably why Israel said their plutonium plant was a textile factory -- it would be just another textile factory among several others, and thus not raise suspicions.

2. Satellite (American I think) "saw" nuclear factory several month after Vaanunu sold his news to London press. So it was not such big a secret.

If they saw it only *after* Vanunu revealed the truth, then it was kept a secret even from the Americans for several years. And the US has been quite helpful since then to keep as much of it as possible a secret. The documentary's transcript contains a few examples of this.

<<* The treatment Vanunu was given was nothing less than a blatant violation of human rights. As Mary Eoloff (the female half of the American couple who adopted him) said: "He was buried alive. He was shut up in a six by nine-foot cell with no windows so he couldn't see outside. Even when he exercised there was a canvas around him when he was out walking.">>

He is in solitary confinement (sp). Not different from what any other spy got.

And that makes it alright? You violate one prisoner's human rights, but that's okay because you violate the human rights of several other prisoners as well?

<<<Personal comment>
A six by nine foot cell. My *bedroom* is bigger than that. My mother-in-law's *bathroom* is bigger than that. And both have a window.
</Personal comment>>>

Last time I looked - you were not jailed criminal. Has it changed?

I challenge you to spend one *month* locked up in a six by nine foot windowless room, without being allowed contact with others. Then we'll talk again.

<<"Vanunu told the world that Israel had developed between one hundred and two hundred atomic bombs and had gone on to develop neutron bombs and thermonuclear weapons. Enough to destroy the entire Middle East and nobody has done anything about it since.">>

Do you remember, that I asked you to look at Israel on the world map? Do you remember your answer? Because if you don't - I ask you to do this again. And *then* tell again, that we can use nuclear weapons without committing suicide.

If using nuclear weapons would be suicide for Israel, why did it turn itself into a country with the world's sixth largest nuclear arsenal? Building up such an arsenal when you know you'll never be able to use it is basically just a huge waste of time, money and other resources.

<<Time to send mr. Blix and his inspection team to Israel -- with UN armed forces following close behind them to remove those WMD's by force if Israel doesn't give them up voluntarily.>>

Remind me, pls, when Israel threatened *anybody* with non-conventional weapons?

Israel didn't threaten with them, they *used* them.

Excerpt from the documentary's transcript:

Olenka Frenkiel
"The Israeli army has used new unidentified weapons. In February 2001 a new gas was used in Gaza. A hundred and eighty patients were admitted to hospitals with severe convulsions."

"The Israelis say this is tear gas. But this is not tear gas. We have never seen this gas before. We need some medicine for treatment. But it must be the right medicine."

Director, Palestinian Health Ministry
"We asked, what kind of gas? But nobody verified for us the type of gas to give the antidote at that moment. Also we don't know how to check, how to examine, how to send this. We are in occupied area. We are surrounded. It is impossible to send these samples to international lab to test."

Anyway, Thanx to Vaanunu and to Klinberg *everybody* knows where Israeli research centers are - no real challenge.

We know where they are. Now we need to figure out exactly what goes on there, where and how large Israel's stockpiles of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons are, and then destroy them (the WMD's, not the Israelis).

Give me *one* good reason why a country should have *undeclared* nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, and *no* outside inspections.

Jeroen "No Nukes" van Baardwijk

Wonderful-World-of-Brin-L Website:        


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