On 4/1/03 12:31 AM, "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Now I don't know whether to feel more sorry for you or not.  Cubs?

Once you are a Cubs fan...you are always a Cubs fan.  My grandmother was a
huge Cub fan.  It was rare for her to miss a game either on radio or TV.
She was born in 1911 and always said she would stick around until the Cubs
won the world series.  Well, she got tired of waiting.  So now it is up to
the rest of the family to keep the faith.

Give me a sunny day at Wrigley Field in June, and I can make anybody a Cubs
fan.  Well, maybe not a White Sox fan.  Some people never learn.

I have two favorite teams in baseball... The Cubs and whoever is playing the
White Sox.

Now all I am waiting for is for Gautam to swoop down with his baseball
predictions and crush my expectations for the coming year.  If he would only
wait a bit, that fate is usually known by early June.

A...one, a...two, a...three!!
Matthew Bos

> Red Sox fan, trying not to get sucked in this year, but you *know* it'll
> happen....

Ah, so you admit to having a problem too?  :)  Oh and congratulations on the
news!  Boy, I'm even less punctual than Joanne.


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