From: Jan Coffey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2 points

1) With the energy needed to extract these, is it still workable? Is the
energy needed for mining small enough for the system to be sustainable?

2) The human body will generate energy from the above mentioned chemicals.
However, living cells are not sustainable. They wear out, and must be
replaced. Replacing cells requires proteins amino acids, and other chemicals.
Without certain vitamins the human body will shut down. The machines would
not only have to mine for Water, Oxygen, Carbon, and Hydrogen, but they would
also need to have a way to supply these other things.

Now is the energy needed to supply all of these small enough for the system
to be sustainable?

I'll add a third point:
3) Why use humans? Wouldn't a creature more towards the ends of the size
spectrum be more efficient at the energy production? (ie: cattle or mice or vats
of bacteria) Also, those would have the added efficiency of not needing the
"matrix" to keep them entertained.

And my random other observation about the matrix:
Why the heck should the matrix be "just like real life in the year 2000" or whatever?
Why not make it a perfect, ideal paradise for everyone? Then no one would want to
leave it, and no one would be killed prematurely by violence in the simulation (which
has to be an inefficiency).

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