At 07:31 2003-06-23 -0700, Nick wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Reggie Bautista


> rob wrote:
> >Mary and the other saints are a lot like union stewards. They can get
> >things
> >done for you. <G>
> >It's quite a different meme than the ones that are found in most
> protestant
> >sects, but it has been with the catholic church long before the
> protestant
> >reformation. I would think that it has always been easy to misunderstand
> >and
> >was likely one of the contributing factors that led to the reformation.
> And unfortunately, I think this is also a concept that is
> mis-understood by
> many Catholics, as well, which only leads to further confusion.

The Reformation was much more about the inverse -- living people asking the
Pope to intervene on the part of the dead.  That was the primary abuse that
got Luther going.  The indulgence sellers were invoking the voices of the
dead, begging their living relatives to pay Rome to get them into heaven.


This is still going on, in a manner of speaking. One may purchase "masses" for deceased loved ones. It is customary to do so at the anniversary of the death. This has become a way for churches and religious orders to raise money.

Imagine the monks of St-Benoît praying for your grandparents in
gregorian chants and you may find that this is not so evil after
all, especially when you know that the monks in question have
sworn an oath of poverty.

GSV They make great cheese and ciders


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