--- Damon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think what Jan was referring to in his post about Custer was not the 
> man's personal bravery nor his skills (or lack thereof) of a tactician. 

Well I was refering to both actualy. The "last stand" and the BS marketing
that led up to it. Custer was not all his reputation made him out to be. But
more importantly the last stand was not a heroic battle, on the part of
Custer that is.

> think what he was referring to was the concept of the Last Stand as a 
> heroic battle to the last. The reality, of course, is that Custer vastly 
> underestimated his enemies, and he was there to kill them in a long series 
> of conflicts that is sometimes compared to the Holocaust.
> The idea of a heroic Indian fighter is out of fashion these days, for good 
> reason.

? Not my my circles it isn't out of fasion at all. In fact the latest tribal
newspaper has several stories on wariors who are serving in the middle east.
What would the "good reason" be?

               Jan William Coffey

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