Deborah Harrell wrote:
> Question:  What would a Southern Baptist have to say
> if his/her child came home from school with a flier
> inviting the child to 'Join the fellowship of Allah:
> follow the adventures of Ahmed and Fatima as they
> learn to apply the lessons of the Koran to everyday
> life and its problems!  Sign up for Bellydancing and
> Sworddancing Classes' etc.
> I can hear the righteous screaming now.
> I'd object to *any* religious organization attempting
> to convert my child from whatever I saw fit to teach
> them WRT the Divine And spirituality.  

There is a legal precedent that might possibly be
stretched to fit this situation.  Public utilities
put inserts into their bill envelops which sometimes
would contain political messages.  This was challenged
legally, and the outcome was that they could still
put politically based info in their billing envelopes
as long as they allowed the same access to the
envelopes to anyone else who wanted it.  Most utilities
stopped any inserts not relating to their services
or safety issues altogether.

Basically if you insist on opening the door, you
have to open it for everyone who wants in.

I'd agree with you, though, that this particular
door should stay closed.

> I actually have no objection to a religious group
> using a public school after-hours, if all religious
> groups are allowed to do so.  OK, maybe not the
> FreeLove Fishers of Men... ;)

Or even student clubs which meet during school
hours (i.e. lunch), as long as they are not
made any part of any official school functions.

-- Matt

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