>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jean-Louis Couturier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, June 27, 2003 12:59 PM
>To: Killer Bs Discussion
>Subject: Re: Liberia's woes
>At 13:02 2003-06-27 -0500, Ronn! wrote:
>>>On 27 Jun 2003 at 8:59, Chad Cooper wrote:
>>> > http://www.msnbc.com/news/931163.asp
>>> >
>>> > "Angry crowds laid the bodies of murdered civilians, 
>attacked while
>>> > sheltering in the U.S. diplomatic complex, outside the 
>U.S. Embassy in
>>> > Liberia's capital, accusing the United States of failing 
>to protect
>>> > Monrovia's people."
>>And if they *had* defended it, the headlines would read "U.S. 
>>Open Fire, Slaughter Peaceful Demonstrators".
>>Can't Win Maru
>>-- Ronn! :)
>What, you're sad because people don't like you?  If that's your
>biggest problem, I'd say that things are going pretty well.  :-p
>On a more serious note, I would like to see some action being
>taken.  I'd like to see a UN Force get involved.  One has just
>gone in Congo with orders to shoot and I want to see Canada get

>From the Telegraph yesterday...

"With a US Navy amphibious assault ship, the USS Kearsarge, just off the
Liberian coast carrying 1,200 marines, Mr Bush has the option of ordering a
significant deployment to one of Africa's most chaotic countries."

Bush has asked both parties to come together and for the president of
Liberia to step down. Straw polls in Monrovia indicate nearly unanimous
support for US troops to restore peace in Monrovia.

We are being positioned to be that force.

>Damn it!  People are getting killed and maimed.  Children are
>being forced into soldiering and/or sexual slavery.  I need to
>stop now.

I feel stongly like you do, but how can guns solve this problem?
Any action from us or NATO or the UN will result in professional soldiers
being forced to decide whether or not to fire upon hostile forces, those
forces being young children, followed by rebel soldiers. Our soldiers, just
like in Somalia, will have to make split second decisions as to whether or
not to kill armed children. 

Of course, we could just step in a take Charles Taylor out of office fairly
easily, without fighting rebel soldiers. But what happens when we do so? We
now own Liberia, and would be expected to take care of it until the rebels
decide to lay down their arms. I don't see that happening.

We already have nearly all of our forces in Iraq right now. I think it is
time the allies to run with the ball here.

Nerd From Hell
>Jean-Louis "Getting hawkish" Couturier 


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