--- Kevin Tarr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While I didn't catch how much these countries spent
> on education, I doubt 
> it is more than the US. And they seem to have better
> results.

I don't really buy this, for two main reasons.  The
first is that Americans have been complaining that
their school systems lag the world since Sputnik, yet
over that span of time the American dominance of the
world in economics generally, and science and
technology in particular, has been essentially total. 
If American schools were that bad, you'd think it
would have shown up by now.  Second, American
_universities_ are acknowledged by everyone as the
class of the world, to the extent that a top-tier
American school's only real competitors are other
American schools.  A large part of that is due to
funding and competition, but still, it seems difficult
or impossible to have an elite university system and
an atrocious public school system.

> Kevin T. - VRWC
> Plus, I still don't know about HS level sports in
> other countries

Almost entirely non-existent, I believe.  At least in
most of Europe sports are organized through clubs, not
schools.  There's a lot to be said for that system -
it means that school isn't such an all-consuming part
of the life of most kids.  If they don't have a social
outlet in school, they can find one somewhere else.

Gautam Mukunda
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