--- Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Deborah Harrell wrote:

> > I think what he was trying to do was show why wind
> >can't supply a
> > large part of the US' energy needs, starting with
> >what *does* work, then giving the "bad news."
> I agree. But the problem is that his first major
> claim was wrong. He
> could have, and should have, opened with something
> like, "wind power has
> been decreasing in price per kWh (give a cost here
> in, say, 1993 and now
> in 2003) and with recently developed turbine
> technology is approaching
> the cost of coal power per kWh (give cost here) in
> certain special circumstances."

That would have been more accurate.
Yet, as someone who does not 'follow' the actual math,
at the end of that article I gathered that despite
recent gains, there are just too many problems for
wind to be a major source of energy for the US.  

Hey, We Mathematically-Challenged Want To Understand
Things Too Maru  :)

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