Russell Chapman wrote:
> Chad Cooper wrote:
> >This is new class of scam. They attempt to get your bank account info to put
> >the winnings into.... It is very fraudlent.
> >NFH
> >
> I don't understand this - every time I sell something on eBay I give
> away my bank account info for them to put the funds into. How does the
> bank account info help them?

There are 2 kinds of bank account routing numbers:  1 for deposits, 1
for withdrawals.  If you give them the routing number for depositing
stuff in your account, they ask for the *other* number.  At least, this
is my understanding as to how they clean out bank accounts.

When you sell something on eBay, they have the deposit info.  But (I
assume) you don't give them the info to make a withdrawal.


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