--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You are kidding about this. We had one true ally in
> this Britain. The other are either not major players
> or are anxious to please us (not a bad thing; it is
> refreshing that countries that owe their freedom to
> us feel gratitude but they would probably have
> agreed if we said we wanted to invade the moon).
> There was so much ill will towards us that Schroeder
> got elected because he pledged to oppose the war.
> When the french went crazy he was stuck. It may be
> true that we didn't need any help but you don't have
> to rub the noses of the rest of the world in that
> fact. Especially if you need the rest of the world
> to manage the reconstruction of iraq

Which we apparently don't.  The astonishing failure of
the mass media to cover the fact that the
reconstruction is going fairly well is, well,
astonishing.  I think it's largely because most
reporters are too lazy to get out of Baghdad, combined
(of course) with hatred of the Administration, but
you'd think that they'd be at least _vaguely_
competent.  But they don't.

All of that aside, Bob, you keep circling back to the
same essential mistake, the belief that there was some
combination of words that would have convinced the
rest of the world to go along with Iraq.  You have
_no_ evidence for this, and a great deal of evidence
otherwise.  For 12 years after the war, France was
essentially bought off by Saddam and campaigned to
_lift_ the sanctions.  Germany's anti-Americanism is
so hysterical that one-third of the population thinks
that _we_ were responsible for the 9/11 attacks.  What
makes you think that they would have agreed to an
invasion that was clearly not in their commercial
interests (because they were in hock to Saddam) and
not in their power interests (because it demonstrated
their absolute and self-inflicted irrelevance on the
world stage)?  If not for 9/11, Bush could not have
gotten the early momentum that made the whole thing
possible, and he _certainly_ could not have got
Britain, Australia, (I hope that none of our
Australian list members object to the constant
denigration-through-omission here of Australia's
heroic efforts to liberate Iraq - as much as Britain,
Australia is a true friend to the US and to freedom. 
John Howard is no less a great man than Tony Blair for
his stand.) Japan, Poland, and the Czech Republic
(among others) as well as the (critical) acquiescence
of Russia.  He made a choice.  That choice was, I
think, the right one, but the choice did exist, and
pretending that it didn't is allowing your hatred of
the President to cripple your judgment.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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