My experience with Melatonin has been good. It does make me sleepy, and I
take it about one a week, as needed. I take it usually about 30 minutes
before I want to be in bed. I have tried different doses, and generally, I
think dosage probably has more to do with age than anything else.  Older
adults need more than young children. I have a friend who takes 6 Milligram
tablets. I prefer 2 1 milligram dissolving tablets (cherry flavored from
GNC). At 3 milligrams I tend to have heightened visualizations when I close
my eyes. I also have more vivid dreams (at any dose) than without. I usually
feel more refreshed in the morning that without it.

Other effects are if I do not go to sleep, it can have the opposite effect,
similar to the 3:00 o'clock in the morning creative periods (I know there is
a name for it, but I can't recall what it is).
During the winter, I can get more depressed than normal when taking it. I
suspect that it is related to vitamin D deficiency that occur during winter
which can cause depression. The melatonin can suppress Vitamin D's effects.
I seem to suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) - doesn't help to be
in the Pacific Northwest with long periods without seeing sunlight.

My children were night owls, staying up to midnight was not difficult for
them. My wife and I talked with a pediatric neurologist during a checkup on
one of the children. The doctor told me my daughter was suffering from sleep
deprivation and suggested Melatonin. We gave them each 1 milligram each
night, and it worked really well (tastes like candy). Because of that, I was
able to get more sleep.
Some effects to them are more vivid dreams, and higher incidence of
nightmares - not much, we never really tracked it. These symptoms decrease
over time.

Well that's it. I have had great results with it and do suggest it,
especially over the OTC sleep aids.
I buy the GNC brand 1 Milligram dissolving tablets (Cherry flavored) - about
4 bucks for 100 tablets.



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