Dan Minette wrote:

> My positiojn is not really supportive of the war on drugs; there are plenty
> of problems with it.  As I stated before, drawing the line after instead of
> before grass seems very reasonable.  But, I do think that the position that
> legalizing the sale of all addictive drugs would result in a far worse
> state of the nation than what we have now.

I've heard the argument that marijuana is a "gateway drug".  Of course,
if it were legal to buy joints like you buy cigarettes, the folks
interested in just smoking pot wouldn't do anything illegal to get their
drug of choice, so they wouldn't be in contact with dealers of other
illegal substances, making it harder to jump from "legal" to "illegal"
if marijuana were the drug of interest.

But I really wouldn't want the US cigarette companies getting into the
business of producing joints, considering what kind of additive crap
goes into tobacco cigarettes.


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