Erik Reuter wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 07:16:41PM -0500, Julia Thompson wrote:
> > p.s. I'm going to be taking less computer time over the next few weeks,
> > as it's getting less and less comfortable to sit here in this chair (or
> > the one I sit in for breakfast, or the one I sit in for dinner....)
> Do you have a notebook computer? If you do, check out "LapGenie"
> Click on "Slides" under the picture of the little boy to see how it can
> let you use your notebook computer while laying flat on your back (or in
> a reclining chair, etc.)  Very comfortable way to use the computer.

How well does it work when you're lying on your left side?

Oh, wait, I can't really *type* from that position....  :P  But I could
at least *read* and do mouse stuff, such as select the actions to take
on messages being held for someone to take action on.  (And then sit up
to type after I'd been lying there for a good 90 minutes.  Can't stay
horizontal *and* conscious for any longer -- start going stir-crazy or
whatever the physiological equivalent is.)

(I haven't been able to lie flat on my back for more than a few minutes
since sometime in early June, and the last time I was reclining in a
recliner, it did not work out very well.  Once the uterus reaches a
particular weight, lying on one's back starts compressing things that
really oughtn't be compressed, frex a very important blood vessel.)

If we get the spare notebook back from the friend who borrowed it
earlier this month, I may very well work with Dan to get specific
software installed so's I can read e-mail and browse the web while lying
on my side on the daybed during the day.  (Just need to make sure we
grab a network cable long enough to go from the nearest network jack in
the room to where I'd want the laptop.)

Then again, I'm getting a lot more reading done than I have in ages.  :)


currently reading _Alien Emergencies_ by James White, and enjoying it

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