Bryon Daly wrote:
> >From: Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> >>(I was living in New England in the mid-1980s.  'Nuff said.  At least I
> >>was used to that sort of thing, being a Red Sox fan and all....)
> >>
> >>
> >You should hate the Raiders too then, eh?
> Doesn't everyone hate the Raiders?  ;-)


When I was 8 or so, I put a quarter into one of those gumball machines
that dispenses toys, not gumballs.  This particular one had little
plastic football helmets.  You got a helmet of a particular team color,
stickers to put on the helmet, and the faceguard part was a separate
white piece of plastic you had to put on.  I ended up with a Raiders
helmet.  I got the stickers on, attached the faceguard to the main
helmet, and now my favorite toy mouse could play football.  (I'd managed
to get a football out of *another* such gumball machine a couple of
weeks previously, but that machine just took a dime.)

I might still have that little helmet somewhere.  Not certain, though. 
(I still have the mouse, I'm sure of *that*....)


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