> Tom knows all! Tom sees all! He knows the evil that dwells in men's hearts.
> Who are you to question his views? He is right now, he has always been
> right in the past, and he will forever be right in the future.
Oh, stop it. I never attack anyone personally on this list. I don't even 
mention whose posts I'm responding to. I deal with ideas and arguments, not 

Why is anyone defending these racists? Why am I the only one sickened by 
their complete refusal to own up to the evil that possesses their hearts?

> He just forgot to mention Robert Byrd, George Wallace, Jesse Jackson...oh
> he can't be racist, he's black.
How the hell does referring to George Wallace disprove my point? He's another 
Southern racist who was never made completely illegitimate by his despicable 
past. Whereas Jesse Jackson has been pretty much disqualified from any hope of 
national influence for saying things as a black man that whites have gotten 
away with. Or am I just imagining that Trent Lott, Bob Barr, Strom Thurmond, 
Jesse Helms, etc., rose to positions of great power and influence despite being 
unrepentant bigots and racists? Robert Byrd is an interesting example, because 
he at least appears to have repented his Ku Klux Klan days. Thurmond said he 
was sorry but he never did a goddamn thing to actually show he was sorry or to 
make up for his decades of malign hatred.

Tom Beck


"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never dreamed I'd see the 
last." - Dr Jerry Pournelle

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