Due to time differences, my infant son was born only 13 hours before. 

It is a boom.

Gestation from time of conception is 266 days. Our baby was delivered 6 days
early from first predicted. At 9 lbs for Leo and 9.3 for Collin -  the
babies were both ready.   Now the question comes, what was happening 260
days ago (estimated date of conception). Well.... it was New Year's eve!

 Funny how that happens.... (I kinda remember something about some flamin'
Hot Damn Schnapps mixed with Rum 151 being drunk that night! ... Ohhh..

Nerd From Hell

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Seeberger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 4:04 PM
> To: Killer Bs Discussion
> Subject: Re: Ti-Pou is now 22 and 1/2 hours old
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jean-Louis Couturier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2003 1:54 PM
> Subject: Ti-Pou is now 22 and 1/2 hours old
> His full name is Léopold Claude Michel Couturier-Otis.  We'll 
> call him Léo.  He weighs 9 pounds and measures 20 3/4 inches. 
>  That's 4105 grams and 53 cm.  He was born yesterday, 
> September 17th at 4:15 PM.
> His mother is still at the hospital and is doing well.  His 
> father is at work and can't wait to see him.
> Concrajumafications!!!!!!
> We got us regular baby boom on Brin-L!!
> xponent
> Expansionist Tendencies Maru
> rob
> _______________________________________________


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