>I think that 'local hot spots' will cause disease in
>those who live in them, but probably little otherwise;
>yet the use of DU munitions in heavily populated areas
>is irresponsible to me, particularly in view of 
>genetic damage and placental passage.  Baghdad has
>thus become an experiment in DU effects, both
>short-term and long-term.  


Before you make this judgement, I would like to point you to

Which shows that strong radiation exposure can, in fact, create what is
called a "radioadaptive response", whereby cells in the body are
"toughened" against chromosomal  damage or mutagenic changes. 
People from the region of Ramsar, Iran are commonly exposed to 55 - 200
times the normal background radiation exposure. These people have fewer
genetic defects than people from regions with normal background radiation.

There is a lot of contraversy about the health effects of radiation, good or
bad. Before you judge DU's effects, you should solidify whether or not
radiation is truly harmful. I'm not saying Radiation or DU is good or bad. I
know that DU can be "ammo" for bashing the millitary. People are afraid of
Radiation, and some use its alledged health benefits as a way to promote
nuclear power.

Some references for you:

DOE study effects on Nuclear Dock Workers - DOE report DE-AC02-79 EV10095,
Summary: radiation may prevent Cancer.

RERF Report No. 8-99
Longevity of atomic-bomb survivors
Cologne JB, Preston DL
Lancet 356:303-7, 2000
Summary: Hiroshima survivors do not live longer. Other studies suggest

Do a google search for "hormesis".

Nerd From hell


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