Bryon Daly wrote:


> >I really expected some worthwhile comments about the trilogies since most
> >on
> >this list hold B5 in very high regard.  I'm starting to think this is the
> >David Brin Short Attention Span List.
> I think a number of people here regard B5 well, but I think Reggie and I
> the only ones who are really vociferous about it.
> >Stick to answering the questions, please.  With that in mind: to The
> >are the trilogies worth reading, do they adequately capture the B5
> >universe?
> This list is all about off-topic discussion!  Without that, there'd be
> almost no discussion at all!
> You asked The Fool, but I'd say the Technomage Trilogy is definitely worth
> reading, once you've seen at least Season 4.  I haven't read any others
> so can't say further.
> >To Reggie: thanks for answering my questions and pointing out that there
> >another trilogy out there, the about the PsiCorps.
> There are some other books as well.  The two I have on my to-be-read stack
> are:
> -- To Dream In The City Of Sorrows - by Kathryn M. Drennan.  The author is
> JMS's wife, so it's supposed to be pretty canonical as well.  It's about
> Sinclair and the formation of the Rangers, I think.
> -- The Shadow Within - by Jeanne Cavelos.  It's a prequel to the
> trilogy, and I think it focuses on Morden and Anna Sheridan's fate on the
> Icarus, and John Sheridan when he was on the Agamemnon (ie: events from
> before Season 1).

Thanks.  That is really useful.  I have "To Dream In The City Of Sorrows"
and started to read it last week, but in JMS's Introduction, he mentions
there having been 4 seasons of the show.  Since I've only seen up through
Season 3, I put it aside until later.  Based on your comments, it appears
that it is okay to read "The Shadow Within" now (if I can find it).  Also, I
think I'll order the "acid-full" paper Omnibus versions of the other two
trilogies to read after I see Season 4.

BTW, a friend told me he saw on the web (someplace, I forget where) that
Season 4 DVDs will be out on January 6th.  I really didn't want to wait that
long--sort hoped by the holidays.  Oh well.

George A

P.S.  I'm currently reading "Dune: The Machine Crusade".  Its not bad,
continues to flesh out the early history of the Dune universe.

George A


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