David Hobby wrote:
        Got me, to my knowledge I've never read books set in a
universe created for a film or TV series.  To go out on a limb,
are ANY of them worth reading?


But seriously...

If you're a B5 fan, then at least the Technomage trilogy and the Psi Corps
trilogy, as well as the two other novels Bryon mentioned, are worth reading.

_Splinter of the Mind's Eye_, a Star Wars novel written by Alan Dean Foster
after the first Star Wars movie is really quite good.

Some people really like _Imzadi_, a ST:TNG novel by Peter David.  This one
seems to be a love-it-or-hate-it kind of book.

I also really enjoyed _Probe_ by Margaret Wander Bonanno, which is a
follow-up to the fourth Star Trek movie.

_The Nanotech War_ by Steven Piziks (who has written other nanotech
scifi) is widely considered to be the best ST:Voyager tie-in, and is pretty

(Wait a minute, I did read the scripts for the last couple
of episodes of Crusade that never got made.  Does that count?)

I dunno, but they were certainly great scripts! Did you only read the two jms scripts, or did you also read the one by Fiona Avery (the one that Walter Koenig said was the best Bester script he had seen)? (Fiona Avery, by the way, also wrote Crusade episodes "The Well of Forever" and "Patterns of the Soul.")

Reggie Bautista

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