--- William T Goodall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So you're a communist then?

Absolutly not. However, I do believe that a countries first concern should be
for it's own people. 

Companies who are able to rise due to our way, our capitalist democracy,
should be expected to benifit our citizens with jobs. That means that as long
as any qualified American is jobless, no American company should be allowed
to go elsewhere for employees.

If you want to do away with borders and nations and have one world government
then we can change the descussion. But I don't believe in that either, so
although that would be an interesting discussion, we are talking about
reality, the ground truth of the world as it is. 

Some of us in this country may be interested in the well being of the people
in other countries, but that doesn't mean that those people in those other
countries will have our best interests in mind. 

Once again I have nothing against a truly free market, but that freedom must
come with responsability. 

Now if you want to go back to that imaginary one world governemnt or
borderless market pie in the sky, then, ok, but then once again shouldn't it
be the best qualified? Say there were no borders, everyone was under the same
rules, the same anti racist etc. laws. How is it that the recent hiering
practices of many of our companies are not raceist? If you were to go into a
company in California and ever single person who worked there were white you
would think that they were being raceist, right? So with a borderless -free
market-, why is it that you can go into a company in bangalore and they are
nearly %100 Indean? If Indeans can come here and work in our companies when
the jobs are here, why can't we then go to bangalore and work there when the
jobs are there?

Answer: It's not a free market. It's a bushwack!

               Jan William Coffey

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