--- Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jan Coffey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 8:21 PM
> Subject: Raceism
> > Today on the news we learned that questioning hype around a quarterback
> is
> > racesist,
> UH.....that is not what happened, what was said, or even what is claimed.

Uh,, guess we disagree.

> > but naming a team after an ethnic group which doe not desire to
> > have the team named after them is not.
> Actually it isn't. For one thing, those who are complaining tend to live in
> places other than the Washington DC area, so they really have no say in the
> naming of a sports team in Washington DC.

In taht case I guess it would be ok to start a Tulsa hokey team named the
fagotts, but not a san francisco team?

> Another point is that this complaint is a recent phenomena, only surfacing
> in the last couple of decades, while the name has been in use for at least
> 4
> times longer. Where were the complaints when the team was first named?

Well, slavery was around for a long time, and segrigation for quite a while
afterwards, why was it all of a sudden in the 50's when it became an issue?

> Thirdly, the name "Redskins" as applied to a sports team is in no way
> demeaning. On the contrary, sports teams are named with the intent to be
> impressive to a foe. By naming the team "Redskins", the namers show that
> they hold some degree of regard for "real" redskins.

You use the term as if it were not deemening. In that case why not name a
team the "Angry Nigers"? Well? That's what it sound like to us.

> Lastly, have you noticed that the "Redskin" logo depicts a dignified
> aboriginal, while the "Braves" logo (which recieves fewer complaints BTW)
> depicts the same in a goofy stereotypical manner?

Wrong, it doesn't recieve fewer complaints.

> So..........are you going to complain about Big Chief writing tablets next?

> > Rush Limbaugh's statments were clearly ~anti~ racesist if anything. But
> neer
> > mind the reality, reality doesn't sell comercials, so each news brodcast
> > today spent about 3 minutes (1/10) of the brodcast on Limbaugh and his
> > supposedly "raceist" comments.
> Jan.......that is utter bullshit.
> Limbaugh has a history of these kinds of remarks.

True he is an ass and a big fat idiot, but that acusing him of something here
which he didn't do is being not any better than him.

> But more to the point, while his remarks were not overtly racist, they
> *are*
> subversively racist.

That's just the point, they are not. They are supprisingly anti raceist.

> What he said was that Donovan McNabb was overrated because the "media" and
> the NFL wanted to see a black quarterback succeed.

> So lets see........McNabb is a 2 time MVP candidate.......took his team to
> the NFC championship game in 2 consecutive years. And he is still young
> with
> some years before he will have to retire.
Mediocer is mediocer. Your welcome to your opinions. 

> Then again, these remarks ignore the existance of black QBs like Doug
> Williams (who won a superbowl.....with the Redskins), or Warren Moon (most
> career passing yards), or Steve "Air" McNair.
> In this sense, Limbaughs remarks are downright insulting.

No, not concidering that williams and Moon never got anywhere near the press
McNabb is getting.

> In his attempt to expand upon his "Liberal Bias In Media" meme that he
> promotes with great vigor, he played the race card, but being the
> insensitive lout that he is, he let his mouth write a check his ass
> couldn't
> cash.

Not this time. The LBM simply fell right into prooving him right this time.
The thing is the media is no more Liberal as Right wing. The media is quite
clearly and destinctivly NOT OBJECTIVE.

> >
> > But what about the so called "redskins"? A clear case of football
> racesism
> > here. Today the judge in the appeal sided with the NFL and against the
> native
> > americans who find the team's name severly distatefull. Only one brodcast
> > even mentioned the rulling.
> That is because very few people take such a frivilous lawsuit seriously.

See, even you are racesist to call this lawsuit frivilous.
> BTW, how many Native Americans have you polled on this subject?

Well, My family for starters.

> Because I know for sure you never asked me.
> (Look at a pic of me on Steves page)
> Or do only purebred people count?

Well, if you look at a pic of me you will have your answer. Skin collor
(especialy from north eastern tribes) has never been a good tell.

(I could go back and alter my reply, but I think I will let it be)

> > What would anyone think of a football team named the "Crackers", or
> > "Whiteies", what about "Darkies", or the "Wetbacks"? Maybe missipppi
> needs
> a
> > team named the the "Slaves". How about the Huston "Cong" or the New York
> > "Chinks"?
> How very extreme of you. Why not just come out and suggest "niggers" while
> you are at it. What you are saying certainly seems to imply that all these
> "names" have an equal perjorative value.
> They do not.

Oh yes they do. And I did above becouse some people just don't seem to get

> None of them are nice, no, not one bit, but they are not equal. And
> "Redskins" has pretty much fallen off the map as a perjorative.

Been to OK lately? I garuntee you it still holds every bit of negative
conotation. It's not like naming your car model after a tribe (which they did
actualy ask permission for BTW). This is a deragatory term.
> I think that perjorative terms, losing the power to hurt is a good thing.
> And this seemingly PC attitude you espouse actually perpetuates a
> perjoratives ability to hurt.

Well then we should use the N word as much as we can?

> There is a sports team called the Whities. And their motto is "Everythings
> gonna be all White". The team is mostly Native Americans and they named
> their team in order to make light of the "Redskins" lawsuit supporters.
> I believe they are in Colorado with Debbie. <G>
> >Let's get real. This is clearly raceism.
> Repeating this statement incessantly won't make it any more true.
> (Or any less true either<G>)
> >
> > On the other hand what if Limbaugh had questioned press surrouding some
> > mideocker white basketball player who was being biled as a big slam
> dunker
> in
> > the press, but seldomely dunks and even then, is very mediocker. Wouldn't
> > questioning that be seen as questioining an attempt at making a white
> > basketball superhero when one simply doesn't exist? Let's get real. This
> > clearly is anti-racisit not racesist.
> Donovan McNabb is not mediocre. He is one of the better QBs currently
> playing football.
> Rush Limbaugh is not as football savvy as he claims to be.

Neither am I, but Limbagh was only stating what many had been thinking.

opinions, they are like butts everyone has one.

               Jan William Coffey

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