Kevin Tarr wrote:
> Change the header if it's wrong. (Could someone list the special headers we
> have/use/could use?)
> I have never drank coffee, but a relative does. She normally only drinks
> two cups, one in the morning and one at night. She buys one shot coffee
> pouches. Of course they are expensive. I'm trying to help her save money.
> Would anyone know of or use a machine that makes one cup using coffee grounds?
> (Why do I keep spelling coffee without the second e?)

        I think we used to have a 4-cup machine from Krups or Braun.
They do exist.  Depending on what "two cups" of coffee means, I think 
that even a 10-cup machine might work.  (For unknown reasons,
coffee seems to be measured in 6-oz (170ml) "cups".  But when I say
"cup of coffee", I mean twice that!)
        I bet it is important to use a machine with a cone-shaped
"Melitta" filter.  Then you can just use fewer grounds and less 
water, but they will still get together in the bottom of the cone.
The flat kind of "Mr. Coffee" filter will probably not work well.
        You don't say if she brews once or twice a day.  Unless 
she is a purist (whole beans in the freezer, ground fresh each
time), she might be able to use a thermal carafe to save half the
morning coffee to drink at night.  Again, depending what a "cup"
is.  A small amount of coffee would get cold, and not taste quite
the same warmed up.  (But I am fairly particular about coffee,
and still drink rewarmed coffee if need be.)


On collective nouns:  Why is it "less sand" or "more data",
but still "fewer grounds"?

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