At 06:07 PM 10/2/2003 -0500 Robert Seeberger wrote:
>But more to the point, while his remarks were not overtly racist, they *are*
>subversively racist.
>What he said was that Donovan McNabb was overrated because the "media" and
>the NFL wanted to see a black quarterback succeed.
>So lets see........McNabb is a 2 time MVP candidate......

In fairness, this datapoint is irrelevant.   MVP voting is undertaken by
the media, so if McNabb were being overrated by the media, he would *of
course* be an MVP candidate.

>.took his team to
>the NFC championship game in 2 consecutive years. 

Also in fairness, Rush's remakrs at the time said that if anyone "took his
team to the NFC championship game in 2 consecutive years" it was the
players of the Eagles' *defense* (which is very good.)

>Then again, these remarks ignore the existance of black QBs like Doug
>Williams (who won a superbowl.....with the Redskins), or Warren Moon (most
>career passing yards), or Steve "Air" McNair.
>In this sense, Limbaughs remarks are downright insulting.

The Doug Williams example is interesting if only because Doug Williams is
perhaps widely considered to be one of the worst QB's to have won a Super
Bowl.    Thus, it is a real case-in-point against the argument that the
media would hype any black QB.    It would be interesting to know, however,
if Limbaugh considered the McNair for MVP talk this year to be a product of
the same, quote, "social concern."

>And he is still young with
>some years before he will have to retire.

Again, this datapoint is irrelevant.... Rush's entire point is that McNabb
is young and has really demonstrated more flashes of potential of being the
best QB in the NFL rather than performing as the best QB in the NFL on a
consistent basis. 

>Donovan McNabb is not mediocre. He is one of the better QBs currently
>playing football.

Exacty,   If I were to quickly rank the best QB's in the NFL, I would....

Tier 1A:

Tier 1B:
Culpepper, McNabb, Vick, McNair, Favre, Carr, Garcia

Tier 2A:
Bledsoe, Brady, Johnson, Pennington, Gannon, Collins

Tier 2B:
Hasselbeck, Ramsey, Harrington, Green, Brees, Carter 

Tier 3:
Plummer, Fiedler, Kitna, Brooks, Maddox, Blake, Stewart, Delhomme, 

Warner/Bulger, Couch/Holcomb, (these QB's have worked in rotation producing
similar results) 
Boller, Leftwich (rookies)

I think there is some case to argue that McNabb is overrated - although it
is just plain silly that all of this "overrated" talk has come out after
McNabb had two bad games this year.   Lots of good QB's have two bad games,
but the football talking heads are positively obsessed with what has
happened in the last two weeks - and rarely keep any kind of big picture

The point the Limbaugh has really missed is that if McNabb is overrated,
sure it is due in part to having a great defense with which to rack up a
lot of victories - but I think a far more important factor is that the
fans, medias, (and arguably with good reason the coaches as well) love QB's
that can both run and throw.   Running QB's are simply electric.   On any
given play, players like McNabb has the ability to burn you deep with his
arm, or take off and grab 10 yards for the first down.    Mobile QB's pose
a great deal of problems for opposing defenses, and they are damned
exciting to watch.   Lastly, just in "MVP" terms, Mobile QB's often end up
as being involved in a ridiculous number of plays, between the throws and
QB runs - so just in terms of direct percentage contribution to a team,
such a QB will appear more "valuable."

>Rush Limbaugh is not as football savvy as he claims to be.

Indeed.   In fact, if ESPN had fired Limbaugh because his comments showed
an utter lack of knowledge about football and the media hyping of all
mobile QB's, be they Doug Flutie or Donovan McNabb, I probably wouldn't
have cared.    To fire him, however, because the Democratic Political
Establishment in this country engaged in a coordinated assault designed to
categorize all criticisms of "reverse racism" as "racism" really sits badly
with me.


John D. Giorgis         -                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
               "The liberty we prize is not America's gift to the world, 
               it is God's gift to humanity." - George W. Bush 1/29/03

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