At 10:02 PM 10/31/03 -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:

On Fri, 31 Oct 2003, Deborah Harrell wrote:

> I came across this quite by accident in a search, but
> had to check it out from the title: 'Burning Man 2001:
> Satan's Birthday Party'   by James Whisler
> "For those who are as yet unfamiliar with the Burning
> Man Festival, it is like nothing you've ever seen (and
> hopefully never will see). Founded on the Summer
> Solstice (a witchcraft holiday) in 1986...To me, the
> Burning Man origins obviously parallels ancient pagan
> celebrations when Druids burned humans in wicker cages
> as sacrifices to their gods at least eight times a
> year, on their eight major holy days, one of those of
> course being the Summer Solstice or Litha, a Celtic
> fire festival...In essence, the outline of the city
> streets forms the Wiccan symbol for the goddess. We
> find the same symbol used for the trademark of the
> highly Satanic video game Quake... Some readers may
> already be familiar with the Luciferian principle
> whereby it's believed that by creating occultic
> symbols, they harness powerful energies. The symbols
> themselves will generate energy after they are formed;
> this being the precise reason behind the design of the
> streets in Washington D.C purposefully forming masonic
> and occultic symbols..."
> Oh, BTW, "As I was leaving the Burning Man ritual, the
> Lord impressed upon my heart that this country would
> be judged for it. In commenting on a 200 point drop in
> the stock market for the week prior to Labor Day, Lou
> Dobbs of CNN's Moneyline stated that just about every
> year at this time, it takes a dive and then quickly
> recovers shortly after Labor Day..."
> Man, do some people need to get a life!  Or a brain.

That was the general reaction of the part of the Burning Man community
that I'm in touch with at the time it first came out.

Now, when I'm spending time at a similar event, I see some stuff that I'm
not comfortable with (more of it having to do with drug use because "hey,
I use drugs when I come to this thing, but not the rest of the time" isn't
enough of an excuse IMO), but I know it's there, I know how to avoid some
of it, and there's enough positive stuff I get out of the whole thing that
I can ignore the negative stuff, unless it's someone acting like a total
@#$% with a bullhorn at 5:30 AM.  :)

My reaction to such behavior was to inform the offender sweetly that if he uses that bullhorn one more time while people (like me) are trying to sleep, he will suddenly find it in such a location that he will have to eat beans to get any sound out of it in the future . . .

Okay It Was Actually A Horn In The Case I Am Thinking Of Maru

-- Ronn! :)


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