On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 1 Nov 2003, at 9:38 pm, Jim Sharkey wrote:
> >
> > The Fool wrote:
> >> So when andrew crystal starts building concentration camps and
> >> death camps, for atheists, freethinkers, and rationalists
> > <SNIP further rantings>
> >
> > Considering that you have made it clear you would cheerfully eliminate 
> > all religions if given your druthers, I find this over-the-top 
> > hysteria pretty darn ironic.  Talk about double-speak.
> The method religion has usually used to eliminate disagreement is to 
> eliminate those who disagree. The freethinker's approach to eliminating 
> religion is through information, debate and education.

Just as you don't convert many people to religion these days by telling
them to repent or they'll go to hell, telling them they're dead wrong and
idiots for believing in any sort of god isn't going to go over well, 

"Debate" doesn't mean slamming the opposite view and getting 
hyperbolically hysterical.  *That* is the problem a number of folks here 
are having with how The Fool is saying what he's saying.

I'd suggest that he re-think his debating tactics on this matter if he 
wants to convert anyone to his point of view on it.



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