On Sun, 2 Nov 2003, Erik Reuter wrote:

> On Sun, Nov 02, 2003 at 01:05:38AM -0600, Robert Seeberger wrote:
> > From this day forward every Mexican I meet will hear about what a
> > wonderful place New Jersey is and how much more money they will make
> > if they move there.
> Actually, there are quite a few Mexicans living and working in Jersey.
> It seems most yardwork, snow shoveling, home remodeling work, etc. is
> done by going to the "pick-up zone" and hiring a few Mexicans. It sounds
> rather sad, but all parties involved seem to be voluntarily gaining a
> benefit of some sort, so it may actually be for the best.

We've got sites like that in Austin.  But it's not just Mexicans, there 
are white people there looking for that sort of work as well.

Most of the Mexican-Mexicans (as opposed to people of Mexican descent who
were born here) I see working are hired by builders or yard care companies
and have somewhat more regular work than that.  Do you see many Mexicans 
with more regular employment than just pick-up work?



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