On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> New Jersey gets bad press...mostly by people who have never actually
> been here or whose personal experience is limited to the area around
> Newark Airport...which would be kind of like judging the entire state of
> Alaska only by looking at Prince William Sound immediately after the
> Exxon Valdez crashed and spilled. Or like judging the entire state of
> Texas by...the entire state of Texas.

When I was going to school in Austin but still nominally living with my 
mother in New Hampshire, I ran into 3 kinds of people:  Those who had 
never been to Texas, and weren't sure why I liked it so much, those who 
had been to Texas but not to Austin who thought that I was totally insane 
for liking it, and people who had been to Austin or the Hill Country area 
nearby, and who would very happily and enthusiastically exclaim, "Texas 
Hill Country!" when I said I was going to school in Austin.

So, there's a bit of Texas that has at least *some* redeeming quality.  

But if you don't like it, don't come here, that leaves more of it for the 
rest of us.

(And speaking of hills, our house is near the top of one, and we have a 
gorgeous view to the north in our backyard, starting with the floodplain 
that we think some neighbors are kinda stupid for building on, and going 
up to Hutto proper a few miles away and then nothing but gorgeous Texas 
sky.  The view to the south has a much closer horizon.)



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