On 14 Nov 2003, at 2:01 am, Reggie Bautista wrote:

William T Goodall wrote:
The UK equivalent of the Moon Pie is the Wagon Wheel (most popular with jam rather than original). That could be eaten with Irn Bru for maximum fat and sugar.


Maybe it's just bad photos, but these look incredibly thin compared to a Moon

15mm thick, 74mm diameter :) With 28% Chocolate Flavoured Coating, 18% Mallow and 7% Raspberry Flavour Plum Jam.

The real question is, are they any good? :-)

Certainly not good *for you* :) But they have a sugary fatty sticky yumminess.


Hmm... sounds a little like Mountain Dew Live Wire. Has anyone on this list
had both Live Wire and Irn Bru? If so, how do they compare?


2 Stars compared to Irn-Bru's 3.5. Also Irn-Bru has the unique tang of ammonium ferric citrate ('iron brew')...

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"A bad thing done for a good cause is still a bad thing. It's why so few people slap their political opponents. That, and because slapping looks so silly." - Randy Cohen.


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