At 08:59 PM 11/14/03 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
In a message dated 11/13/2003 11:55:12 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> At 10:54 PM 11/13/03 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Can someone help me with a book or list of books to help me get a basic
> >understanding of Six Sigma principles/implementation.
> Agh - I am surrounded by sick sigmas. My hospital has a major deal with GE to buy almost everything that uses electricity from them. Part of the deal is that they teach us management skills so I am Six Sigmad CAP (Change acceleration projected_ and Worked Out.

FWIW, the quote about 3.4 errors/million came from the GE intro page which popped up in a Google search.

Admittedly, I was wondering why you were looking for the info, given what I know of your profession. I wondered if perhaps someone had come up with a six-sigma program for the medical profession, e,g., a goal that there would be no more than 3.4 negative outcomes per million hospital admissions, or something . . .

And for anyone who cares, during their limited foray into making and selling general-purpose computers, Xerox called their systems the "Sigma" series. Model numbers ran from "5" to "9". (I have no idea what happened to numbers "1" through "4".) For awhile while I was working on my masters degree in math, the university mainframe was a Sigma 6.

All of which has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with Wally Schirra's Mercury capsule, which was designated "Sigma 7".

Signa Phi Nothing Maru

-- Ronn! :)


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