On Sat, 15 Nov 2003, Alberto Monteiro wrote:

> Julia Thompson wrote:
> >
> >> Alberto Monteiro - who would like to have all horoscopes
> >> in the newspapers have their authors subject to being sued
> >> when their predictions didn't come true >:-)
> >
> > But the ones I see are vague enough that there's be plenty of room for the
> > defense to be reasonably successful.  :)
> >
> You *read* horoscopes??? Is there any listowner available so
> that I can request that you are banned from the list???

They're on the same page as other stuff I read.  Sometimes I accidentally
read the first sentence of one.  And I used to read them when I was 10 and
didn't really know any better.  By the time I was 12, I didn't pay any
attention to them.  Plus, you can read them for entertainment value, kinda
like Nostradamus.  :)  And sometimes a set of horoscopes can be
inconsistent, if some of them refer to other signs, and you can *really*
scoff and feel superior to the idiot who wrote it.

As for banning from the list, I think that people who claim that the Dean 
Drive really works are higher on the list than people who read horoscopes 
to laugh at them.  :)

Oh, wait, I'm a listowner.  Not sure I can ban myself.  Nick?


who doesn't ever again want to have a RL conversation with someone
claiming that the Dean Drive really works

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