On Sun, 16 Nov 2003, Jim Sharkey wrote:

> Julia Thompson wrote:
> >Jim Sharkey wrote:
> >>Damon Agretto wrote:
> >>>Did he kinda resemble Winston Churchill when he was born? :)
> >> Childbirth always seems to look like pulling a tiny Winston 
> >>Chruchill dipped in forty weight oil out of a taco salad to 
> >>me.
> >Oh, and if you're trying to avoid looking, don't look at the 
> >floor.  You >don't want to look at the floor.
> Yeah, that's bad too.  And the accompanying "PLOP" as the placenta is
> expelled is a little disturbing too.
> The most amazing at the birth of my first child, outside of the blessed
> event itself, was that the OB/GYN came into the delivery dressed in
> white pants and a pastel shirt.  He only draped a light covering over
> himself for the delivery.  The entire place looked like an abbatoir, yet
> somehow, he didn't have a drop of blood on him.  It was like he had a
> force field or something.
> Jim
> I have more gross stories if you want them Maru

Are they higher on the "EWG!" factor than having the doctor's arm in up 
to the elbow without benefit of anesthesia?


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