Andrew Medvedev wrote:
Re: Koh's article in the economist from a couple of weeks ago ...
Lastly, this administration has been notoriously cavalier about how it
presents its actions to the world.

I personally think this administration has been cavalier about how it presents its actions to its own citizens as well.

I have said to you (John) time and
time again, the longer I hang out in this little world of ours, the more
I am convinced that the wrapping matters more than the gift therein.
What we do is often masked, distorted and undone by how we do it.  In
this light, a photo opportunity with the United Nations would have been
more than appropriate.

I don't think the perception is more important than the reality, or in terms of your (very nice) analogy, I don't think the wrapping is more important than the gift. I would much rather do something that is unpopular but right instead of doing something popular but wrong (or giving the wrong gift, no matter how well wrapped).

But having said that, I do think that if you plan to act unilaterally, it is
important to do so in the way that least offends your allies.  In the big
picture, the more you offend your allies, the less influence you will have
on them and the more likely they will end up not being allies anymore
in the long run..

Reggie Bautista

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